Prayer >
A Prayer for Veterans Day
On November 11, we commemorate Veterans Day. In honor of our veterans and those who have devoted their lives to our country, let us take this time to pray for them.
Red Mundial de Oración del Papa >
Noviembre – Por Los Que Han Perdido Un Hijo
Oremos para que todos los padres que lloran la muerte de un hijo o una hija encuentren apoyo en la comunidad y obtengan del Espíritu consolador la paz del corazón.
Publication >
Catholic Charities USA’s Whole Hearted
A parish-based trauma-awareness resource that integrates spirituality and religious practices with behavioral health.
Support Program >
Rainbows Notre Dame Parish
This well-developed support program is offered in a limited number of parishes in our diocese for children experiencing loss.
Matrimonio >
Noviembre 2024 – ¡Es tiempo de recordar y agradecer!
Bienvenido Noviembre! Practicar la gratitud es fundamental en nuestra tradición católica. Este año agradezcamos las enseñanzas de nuestros difuntos, pidámosle protección a todos Los Santos y disfrutemos con nuestra comunidad las bendiciones vividas.
Publicación >
Whole Hearted de Catholic Charities USA
Las parroquias conscientes del trauma pueden: demostrar sensibilidad al impacto del trauma en sus miembros y sus seres queridos; ayudar a los feligreses a reconocer su experiencia y respuestas al trauma; y ofrecer recursos espirituales y profesionales restauradores de diversas maneras.
Faith Formation >
Celebrate Black Catholic History Month
Celebrated in November to recognize the history and heritage of Black Catholics. The month was chosen because it includes several important dates for Catholics of African descent.
Conmemoración de Todos los Fieles Difuntos >
The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
"Today, in the thoughts of many brothers and sisters who have passed on, it will do us good to look at the cemeteries and to look heavenward." - Pope Francis
National Catholic Mental Health Campaign
The National Catholic Mental Health Campaign is a year-round initiative of the USCCB to encourage all people of good will to respond to the ongoing mental health crisis across the United States.
Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network >
November – For Anyone Who Has Lost A Child
We pray that all parents who mourn the loss of a son or daughter find support in their community and receive peace and consolation from the Holy Spirit.
Solemnidad de Todos los santos >
Solemnity of All Saints
"The saints are close to us, indeed they are our truest brothers and sisters. They understand us, love us, know what is truly good for us." - Pope Francis
Evangelization & Catechesis >
Catechetical Sunday 2024
This year, the Church will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on September 15, 2024 , and the theme is: "Lord, when did we see you hungry" Matthew 25:37