December 30, 2014
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the most enriching experiences in the lives of Catholics. Reconciliation is a time of healing and reconciling that invites all to experience God’s love and forgiveness through the actions of the priest.
Since family is intimately involved with the formation of a child’s moral conscience, parents/guardians should be involved in the preparation of the children for this sacrament.
The Catechesis, through the Faith Formation Programs:
- Helps students to acknowledge God’s unconditional love

- Helps students to understand they can turn to Christ and the church for sacramental forgiveness and reconciliation
- Helps students recognize the existence of good and evil in the world and our human capacity to choose between right and wrong
- Helps students recognize the need for forgiveness, not only from parents or those we have hurt, but also from God
- Explores the meaning of the symbols, prayers, gestures and scripture stories of Reconciliation
- Teaches the Sacrament of Reconciliation as an ongoing conversion and encourages the regular celebration of the sacrament
Preparation for this Sacrament will precede the preparation for First Eucharist (First Holy Communion).
- Has knowledge of the person Jesus and His Gospel message of forgiveness
- Has knowledge of sin and its effect on our lives
- Has understanding and experience of sorrow, forgiveness and conversion
Information from the National Directory for Catechesis,#36, B2