September 24, 2014


Every parish has need for volunteers to work with the preparation of weekly and special liturgies. There are a number of ways involvement can be fostered.

The Office of Faith Formation offers workshops at two levels in order to be formed to work in this ministry.

Level One – For individuals wishing to be members of a parish Liturgy Committee

Offerings might include:

  • The Mass as an act of the Assembly
  • The Liturgy of Lent ( or any of the seasons)
  • Ministries at the Sunday Mass

Level Two – For individuals who are appointed as leaders of the parish Liturgy Committee, Coordinators of parish Lectors, Coordinators of parish extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist

Offerings might include:

  • Preparing the Liturgies of the Church Year for a Parish
  • Preparing Renewal days for liturgical ministers
  • Evaluating Sunday Liturgies in the Parish
  • Breaking open the Word for Lectors
  • Environment for Seasons